(set WELC "\n\n\n\nWelcome to TurboVAL v1.9 Installation Script.\n(c)1999-2000 by Zbigniew `Zeeball` Trzcionkowski\n\nThis script installs only VAL file and adds it to startup-sequnece!")
(set WHER "Please select a place where you want to install VAL.")
(set WHLP "Where do you want to have this! If You already have VAL there it will be overwritten!")
(set CPNG "Copying VAL into ")
(set ADDG "Do You want to add TurboVAL to \"S:Startup-seqence\"?")
(set AHLP "Best way check devices on startup! Val will be added just before SetPatch.")
(set FLSH "Set NOFLASH/S parameter? TurboVal while working is flashing colour 0 and power LED.")
(set FLHL "You should answer NO if You have VGA only monitor or gfxboard, because if WorkbenchScreen will open in PAL You will see only this flashing :-(")
(set REPL "TurboVAL was already found in the startup-sequence. Requested parameters has been set and this is the end. Enyoy.")
(set NFND "TurboVAL has been added to startup-sequence just before SetPatch and this is the end. Enjoy.")
(set NSEA "C:search not found. I can`t add Val to S:startup-sequence. You have to do it manually.")
(set CANT "Can`t add Val to Startup-sequence. Try manually.")
(set NOTI "Installation finished. Val has NOT been added to startup-sequence. You should do it manually to enjoy it.")
(if (= @language "polski")
(set YEP "Tak")
(set NOP "Nie")
(set NEED "TurboVal potrzebuje OS2.0+ !\n")
(set WELC "\n\n\n\nWitaj w skrypcie instalacyjnym programu TurboVAL v1.9!\n(c)1999-2000 by Zbigniew `Zeeball` Trzcionkowski\n\nTen skrypt instaluje tylko plik VAL-a i dodaje go do startup-sequence!")
(set WHER "Proszë wybraê miejsce, gdzie ma byê zainstalowany VAL. Jeôli juû masz tam VALa, to zostanie zagrany!")
(set WHLP "Gdzie go chcesz mieê!")
(set CPNG "Kopiujë VAL-a do ")
(set ADDG "Czy chcesz dodaê TurboVAL-a do \"S:Startup-sequence\"?")
(set AHLP "Najlepszy sposób ûeby sprawdziê napëdy przy starcie! Val bëdzie dodany tuû przed SetPatchem.")
(set FLSH "Ustawiê parametr NOFLASH/S? TurboVal podczas pracy bîyska sobie kolorem 0 i diodâ power.")
(set FLHL "Powinieneô odpowiedzieê NIE jeôli masz monitor tylko VGA albo kartë graficznâ, poniewaû WorkbenchScreen moûe sië otworzyê w PAL-u bëdziesz widziaî tylko to bîyskanie :-(")
(set REPL "TurboVal zostaî znaleziony w startup-sequence. Ûâdne paramery zostaîy ustawione i to juû koniec. Miîego uûywania.")
(set NFND "TurboVal zostaî dodany do startup-sequence zaraz przed SetPatchem i to juû koniec. Miîego uûywania.")
(set NSEA "Nie znaleziono C:search. Nie mogë dodaê Vala do S:startup-sequence. Musisz zrobiê to rëcznie.")
(set CANT "Nie potrafië dodaê Val do Startup-sequence. Spróbuj rëcznie.")
(set NOTI "Instalacja zakoïczona. Val NIE zostaî dodany do startup-sequence. Powinieneô to zrobiê rëcznie, ûeby móc wykorzystaê w peîni jego moûliwoôci.")